Mastering Linux systemd – Managing Services and Units

Linux has been the preferred operating system for developers and system administrators due to its flexibility and robustness. It provides various tools and services to manage system resources effectively. One such tool is systemd, which is a system and service manager for Linux operating systems. Systemd provides a wide range of features to manage services and units efficiently.

In this article, we will explore how to manage services and units using systemd. We will go through various commands and options that are essential to manage services and units effectively.

What is systemd?

Systemd is a system and service manager for Linux operating systems. Also, it is responsible for starting and stopping services, managing processes, and logging system events. Furthermore, it replaces the traditional init system used in Linux and provides a more efficient and centralized way to manage system resources.

Systemd Units

Systemd units are the basic building blocks of systemd. Also, a unit can be a service, socket, timer, target, device, mount point, or other system resource that systemd manages. Units are defined using configuration files that are stored in the /etc/systemd/system directory.

To create a new unit file, we can use the “systemctl” command with the “edit” option. For example:

$ sudo systemctl edit myservice.service

This will open a text editor where we can define the unit file for our service.

Managing Services with Systemd

Systemd provides various commands to manage services, such as starting, stopping, restarting, enabling, and disabling services. For example:

Start a service:

$ sudo systemctl start myservice.service

Stop a service:

$ sudo systemctl stop myservice.service

Restart a service:

$ sudo systemctl restart myservice.service

Enable a service to start at boot:

$ sudo systemctl enable myservice.service

Disable a service from starting at boot:

$ sudo systemctl disable myservice.service

Managing Units with Systemd

Apart from services, we can also manage other system resources using systemd units. Here are some examples:

List all units:

$ systemctl list-units

Display detailed information about a specific unit:

$ systemctl status myservice.service

Reload the configuration of a unit:

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Check the syntax of a unit file:

$ sudo systemctl --no-pager --full -t=service --verify myservice.service

Advanced Systemd Features

Systemd provides several advanced features that can help us manage our services and units more efficiently. For example, here are some of the key features:

  • Systemd Targets

Systemd targets are a set of predefined unit types that define the system state. They can be used to group and manage services based on the system state. For example, we can have a target for multi-user mode or graphical mode.

To switch to a different target:

$ sudo systemctl isolate
  • Systemd Timers

Systemd timers are similar to cron jobs, but they are managed by systemd. They allow us to schedule tasks to run at a specific time or interval. For example, we can use timers to schedule backups or run system updates.

To list all timers:

$ systemctl list-timers

To display information about a specific timer:

$ systemctl list-timers mytimer.timer
  • Systemd Dependencies

Systemd units can have dependencies on other units, which define the order in which they are started or stopped. We can specify dependencies using the “Requires”, “Wants”, “Requisite”, and “Before” options in the unit file.

For example, to ensure that a service is started after another service:


Best Practices for Using Systemd

While systemd provides many powerful features, it’s important to use them in the right way to avoid potential issues. Unit files should be simple and easy to understand. Furthermore, avoid adding unnecessary options or complex logic to the unit files. Use descriptive names for services and units to make it easier to understand their purpose and function. Before deploying unit files to production, test them thoroughly to ensure they work as expected. Also, Monitor services regularly to ensure they are running properly and to detect any issues early on.

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